Project Overview
This project built off
previous in-person workshops to give agritourism destination business owners,
on-farm marketers, and farm insurance agents across Iowa and beyond the
opportunity to virtually access agritourism risk management educational
material. The online course consists of 7 modules; Loss Control and Identifying
Hazards in Agritainment, Food Safety Best Practices, Navigating the Food
Licensing Process, Considering Legal Risks for Specialty Producers, Pesticide Safety,
Protecting Animals and Humans from Biosecurity Risks, and Farm Emergency
Preparedness Training. Each module has a video presentation as well as
interactive activities to encourage participation. Upon completing the course,
the participant has information, tools and best practice techniques to
alleviate risks on their agritourism operation. Having online modules allowed for agritourism risk management education to be available to all farmers and has allowed us to reach a wider audience. The project continues to be an agritourism risk management education tool.
Number of Participants: 28
There are no promotional materials available for this project.
There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.