Project Overview
This project was is intended to educate producers and insurance agents on the concept and implementation of the pasture, rangeland, and forage rainfall index insurance (PRF Insurance). A general education program had not been undertaken in North Dakota. There are 11,700 beef operations, 830 sheep operations and 550 dairy operations in the state and all rely on pasture, range and forage acreage for a majority of their feed requirements. North Dakota has 9,800,000 acres of native range, 1,300,000 acres of improved pasture and 3,000,000 acres of hay production.
Six one-hour classes in five cities were conducted in the livestock producing areas of the state; and Expected attendance was 200 people. A description of how the program works along with examples and time for question and answers was be provided. Producers interested in managing the risk associated with forage production attended. Also crop insurance conference attendees were surveyed.
Number of Participants: 221
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