Project Overview
Barley Risk Management Education Project, Phase IV, built on nine years of successful grain producer training in Idaho, by expanding both topics and geographic reach. In-depth training was offered through a combination of webinars, extension school presentations, workshops and short courses. Producer training included:
(1) Extension three-day short courses on estate planning - 2 locations; (2) Extension one-day workshops on estate planning - 2 locations; (3) Extension farm and ranch financial management workshops - 6 sessions at 4 locations; (4) Extension one-day workshop on futures markets for dummies - 2 locations; (5) Extension one-day worskhop on Quickbooks - 1 location; (6) grain marketing webinars (1) and workshops (4) - 5; (7) crop insurance presentations at winter extension cereal schools - 5 locations; and (8) collecting and disseminating grain market outlook and analysis tailored to Idaho grain crops and appropriate local and terminal markets.
Number of Participants: 2021
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