Project Overview
This project developed and disseminated educational materials to inform dairy and beef producers using intensive grazing systems about investing in forage irrigation to mitigate drought risk. Irrigation systems such as center pivots, traveling guns, traveling irrigators, and pod-line systems
were analyzed and discussed in the educational resources. Two publications and a spreadsheet tool were developed. One publication focused on water source development, limitations and costs. The second publication discussed the types of forage irrigation systems, forage response to irrigation and economics for each type of forage irrigation system. The Forage Irrigation System Cost Analyzer was built to help producers develop a customized economic summary for using irrigation on their forage system. The Missouri Dairy Grazing Conference in 2013 had a presentation discussing educational materials for this project. Two producer webinars on pasture irrigation were held and recorded in March 2014. Publications, resources and recorded webinars were posted on the and websites. A total of 113 producers attended a training session on this project.
Number of Participants: 113
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There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.