This project provided crop insurance education to local foods and organic producers in Iowa, Nebraska, and surrounding states. The project team developed educational materials about the Micro Farm policy, the organic contract price option, "Crop Insurance 101" and other topics. We also provided updates on changes made to existing programs, such as Micro Farm; and new programs, such as the Transitional and Organic Grower Assistance (TOGA) program, and revenue protection for oats and rye. All written materials were produced in both English and Spanish, and in least three instances, we provided educational presentations and content in Spanish.
We disseminated the information through dozens of earned media placements, 6 fact sheets, 6 presentations, 2 videos, 2 roundtable discussions, and additional efforts. We also offered one-on-one support to 35 farmers purchasing crop insurance for the 2023 crop year. The project pushed the needle towards bringing more producers into the fold of federal crop insurance, and we supported farmers to understand, analyze, and decide on the best crop insurance options for their operation.