Farming is hard, beginning/aspiring farmers want to succeed but face challenges almost daily. A blended learning program of video learning modules created by ag professionals sharing their area of expertise, and related resource materials educated 127 beginning farmers on various risks associated with farming. They learned to mitigate those risks through knowledge and understanding gained from the modules.
In addition, 24 students from a rural area in Pennsylvania logged in to the learning platform and will complete learning modules in the days ahead. Not only will the students gain knowledge and understanding for their potential farming career they may also share pertinent programs with farm family members to assist in the family farm business.
Eight learning modules were developed. Topics include: NRCS, RMA, Rural Development, state programs, land leasing and access, financials, diversification, business planning and value-added niche marketing. A Spanish overview/land access module for English as a second language farmers was also developed.
The COVID-19 pandemic created increased demand for online learning platforms. In 2019 the Economic Research Service (ERS) reported 71% of households had someone working off the farm. Learning modules available 24/7 provided an efficient and convenient learning tool for 127 beginning farmers and 24 students to date.