Project Overview
Annie’s Project is a farm management education program designed to strengthen women’s roles in risk management on their farm/ranch enterprise. The programs mission is to empower farm women to be better business partners through networks and by managing and organizing critical information. In Idaho we adapted the original Annie’s Program to fit a very diverse clientele. We held three separate classes throughout the valley. Our classes consisted of both large commercial farm owners as well as small acreage owners with varied experience levels. Along with the size of the operation, the commodities grown were diverse as well. Evaluations showed that participants found estate planning, preparing financial documentation, enterprise budgeting and understanding value-added enterprises as the most valuable topics taught. Women, who took Annie’s Project, are now taking a more active role in the farm business as well as re-organizing and enhancing their record keeping system. In our six-month post class evaluation, nearly half of participants indicated that Annie´s Project helped them "a great deal" in becoming a more knowledgable agriculture producer. With regards to the overall class experience, 100 percent of the Annie´s Project participants said they would reccomend the class to others.
Number of Participants: 36
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