Project Overview
This project assisted small, beginning, and limited resource producers
of specialty crops in Delaware and Maryland to protect profitability by
responding to production (NAP, crop insurance), marketing (strategies, farmers
markets), financial (record-keeping and analysis), legal (liabilities, estate
planning), and human resource (labor) risks, by developing their own personal
risk management plans.
Three sequential workshops (18 hours) supplemented by
personal assignments and individualized counseling (60 hours) were delivered in
each state to 53 producers via a partnership of subject matter experts and
local educators. Participants developed the skills and understood their own
operations sufficiently to establish written goals for each of the five areas
of risk specific to their farm, delineated three specific actions to reach each
goal, and committed to implement their personal risk management plan.
Educators supported and monitored their progress and
interviewed each participant at the end of the project, recording the number of
actions completed and goals reached.
Number of Participants: 53
There are no promotional materials available for this project.
There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.