Project Overview
This project focused on the marketing, financial, production, and human risks cattle producers undertake as they strive to protect their assets. Under this project, producers across the nation had access to risk management information provided by livestock economists and risk management experts through NCBA’s Cattlemen to Cattlemen television program, Cattlemen’s Webinar Series, and in-person trainings. Web-based risk management and decision aid tools were highlighted on a web landing page, which served as an extension on the NCBA Producer Education website. Education events for the North Central Region focused on inherent risks associated with production, methods and tools available to mitigate these risks, and shared tools to implement these methods. NCBA filmed one Cattlemen to Cattlemen episode and hosted one webinar focused on these topics. The goal was to reach producers throughout the North Central Region. Total views of the two airings of the Cattlemen to Cattlemen episode was 770,000. In-person, webinar and survey engagement were 731. Surveys were administered after each in-person and web-based event with a volunteer survey on the web landing page for those who were interested in learning about a specific risk management tool.
Number of Participants: 1093
There are no promotional materials available for this project.
There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.