Project Overview
We conducted an educational program to help growers manage risks associated with producing and marketing Asian herbs. Risk management subjects included: product diversification, market outlook, marketing strategies, direct markets, and value-added enterprises. Project delivery included: 1) two training programs, one in Albuquerque and one in Alcalde, NM, consisting of one session each on: a)Asian herb production overview and market outlook; b)species identification and selection; c) propagation; d)cultivation and crop management; e)harvesting; f)processing and quality control; g) managing potential invasiveness; h) marketing strategies; and 2) an online tutorial. The target audience consisted primarily of New Mexico specialty crop growers and AOM practitioners. Participants identified herbs suitable for their conditions; learned growing, processing, and marketing methods of Asian herbs; and learned economic and marketing risks associated with these crops. Fifty-eight growers completed the live training programs, thirteen implemented all or part of their risk management plan. Fifty-two participated in the online tutorial.
Number of Participants: 110
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