Project Overview
This project was hugely successful. We developed and distributed over 1080 livestock record keeping notebooks at 45+ workshops with 545 participants in several locations in Arizona and New Mexico Indian Country. These locations include the following reservations: The Navajo Nation, The Hualapai Nation, The Hopi Nation, and The San Carlos Nation. The demand for additional workshops continues, including requests for January and February 2007, beyond the close-out date of this grant.
This project was a continuation and expansion of the 2004-05 project where out of the 4 Hualapai livestock associations that participated, 2 implemented new record systems and one made a change to its records system. During the second year, the project was expanded to offer training to Navajo and Hopi producers. Tribal outreach professionals were trained and they then organized 19 sessions targeting producers to learn to use a variety of record keeping tools, including record books and computer software. Local “computer training stations” were set up so that outreach professionals could provide follow-up support to participants after training workshops. Over 419 individuals were exposed to either one of the training sessions and/or presentations at two of the larger tribal conferences. Of the 419 individuals, 295 participated in the one-on-one computer training sessions and approximately 125 individuals have committed to implementing the tools they have learned during the project and the follow-up support.
Number of Participants: 545
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There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.