Project Overview
This project addressed the regional priority concerning managing disease risks. Calf health can be influenced by factors affecting pathogen exposure and poor immunity. Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) is the largest cause of disease loss in beef cattle. This project leveraged funding from the USDA BRD CAP grant that developed BRD factsheets, curriculum and a risk assessment tool for cow-calf producers by this proposal’s project team. We held seven workshops to deliver the evidence-based curriculum to 165 people. Ninety-three provided a self-assessment that identified their risks. Follow-up on-farm assessments helped 14 producers identify and implement relevant BRD BMPs. The project’s goal was to help producers reduce BRD incidence to improve their profitability. Producers had the opportunity to evaluate the economic benefit of implementing BRD BMPs by using the NCBA SPA. Of the fourteen, three were contacted for follow-up interviews during which all completed a SPA analysis and were asked of their implementation of recommended BMPs. Two of the three had implemented changes, but the economic benefit was unable to be determined since the time interval between the assessment and followup wasn't long enough to collect that data.
Number of Participants: 165
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