Project Overview
The project was intended to provide alternative risk management crop marketing strategy educational services to Wyoming crop producers. A total of 47 Wyoming crop producers successfully completed 40 hours of progressive crop maketing sessions at the Eastern Wyoming College and Northwestern College campuses. In addition to developing personal crop marketing plans for their specific cropping operations, producers were exposed to progressive crop marketing stragegies presented by the project team. Paricipating producers completed a commodity challenge game that required the ten teams to utilize their new marketing skills to compete for the commodity challenge award. Each participant received a copy of the textbook, "Applied Risk Management in Agriculture" by Dana L. Hoag along with a three ring binder that contained all of the power point slides and handouts presented by PFM Inc. The project was a huge success for the participants as the comments received on the final program evaluation contained very positive comments. As a result of this program, the PFM Inc. staff and Wyoming Business Council are preparing and planning a series of risk management crop marketing webinars to assist producers with their future crop marketing plans.
Number of Participants: 47
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There are no educational materials available for this project.
There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.