Project Overview
Two workshops were offered to
furrow-irrigation producers in the Lower Arkansas River Basin about economic risks, environmental risks, and institutional risks of irrigation technologies. Adoption
has been slow in the region due to uncertainty about the risk and rewards from these systems. The workshops were advertised multiple times on radio and in news outlets and sent to Extension mailing lists that included more than 2,500 people. We also contacted farmers through personal networks. 40 producers were targeted to attend; 39 attended and most were not full-time farmers. Producers developed individualized irrigation plans with assistance from
the experts and presenters at the meeting. An Excel risk evaluation tool was developed and made available to producers and to local water advisors. Attendees rated the workshop highly, but attendance did not reach those that needed it most. Based on the reactions of those that attended, the workshop would help increase adoption of sprinklers, improving profits and the environment if more farmers would attend. Farmers that attended felt that these workshops are intimidating and that holding them on farms would help. More needs to be learned about how to get those that need the program to attend.
Number of Participants: 33
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There are no reports or evaluations available for this project.