Project Overview
This project addressed financial, marketing and legal risks associated with producing agricultural products for direct markets. The 32 project participants were Inland Northwest farmers and ranchers producing crops and livestock for regional markets. Participants completed an advanced, on-line whole farm planning course covering: financial planning and analysis, marketing strategy evaluation, market analysis, food safety, state and Federal regulations, zoning and other legal liabilities. Upon course completion, 22 (69%) of course participants completed the end-of-course evaluation. Of those who completed the course evaluation, 19 (86%) indicated they had the knowledge and skills to conduct gross profit and other financial analyses and 22 (100%) indicated their knowledge of how to identify and evaluate marketing opportunities and strategies increased. Another 19 (86%) indicated they were somewhat to very prepared to evaluate risks for which they might need liability insurance. Respondents also indicated the following: 21 (95%) conducted a finacial analysis of one or more farm enterprises; 21 (95%) evauated existing marketing strategies; 17 (77%) identified and evaluated the potential on one or more new markets for their products; (16) 73% started or developed a written marketing plan; and, 19(86%) reviewed, revised and/or improved their whole farm and/or business plan.
Number of Participants: 32
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