Project Overview
In Good to Great: Improving Labor Management on Farms in New York State, Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) and the Cornell Farmworker Program (CFP) reduced two areas of risk for fruit and vegetable farmers - Human Risk (labor supply, recruitment, and retention and employee management and communication) and Legal Risk (labor regulations) by improving producer management skills. The primary method of program delivery was through a 4 workshop series, which we offered at 5 sites but we also ended up doing eight 1/2 hour webinars in order to reach producers across the state. We followed up with workshop participants by email and used newsletters, a website, and social media (Facebook) and YouTube videos to help reach additional growers. We also held three part-day trainings on managing a Latino workforce at Ag Expo, NOFA-NY and Eastern NY Fruit and Veg School, and a 2-hour webinar on employing foreign-born workers. In the first year of the program we did have farmers adopt improved employee management methods, and improve legal compliance to help decrease worker turnover. In one year we were able to document 27 improvements on 21 farms in the areas of employee manuals, legal compliance, improved trainings, and improved working conditions.
Number of Participants: 192
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